These have been around the block!





Divinely Inspired Articles
Kristine G. Johnson
Spiritual Awareness Productions
Star Child
Copyright (c) 2008-2022 Spiritual Awareness Productions. All rights reserved
Spiriual Awareness Productions
3807 E Teal Cove Ct
Hernando, FL 34442
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These offerings were drawn in from the All That There Is when my independent mind relaxed and merely listened to the words forming out of the Silence. As the words arrived, they were typed on the computer screen before me. Enjoy.
Sometimes we simply don’t seem to be who we are. You know the feeling...

You’re about to drive to the city when someone calls on the phone. Half of you wants to have the conversation, the other half wants to get on the road. Somehow the whole experience gets lost in the shuffle.

We are meant to BE where we are. Sounds simple, however few among us have perfected this pure way of being. We move through each day going in several directions at once. Yet we feel something is being missed.

Another way we cheat ourselves out of the fullness of the moment is when we move faster than our guidance is suggesting. How do you know where you are going if you are three miles past the next turn?

No one knows what tomorrow will bring. There is no way to be sure. What exists in each moment is the result of every moment that has gone before. It forms naturally in the energy we manifest.

Yet no one told you that there was nothing special you needed to do. No one told you that everything takes care of itself in the Divine Arms of God’s Plan. No one let you off the hook by allowing you to just Be.

Well the time has come when there is little else that makes sense. Our world stands before us waiting for us to come to our senses. Not society’s senses – our individual senses. What does this mean?

Imagine for a moment that you know what to do in each moment. Imagine that you have no concerns over the decisions you are making. Imagine you sleep blissfully at night and move joyfully through your days.

This can’t be! Nothing is this simple or serene.

Would you like to sample just a smidgen of this? Quiet your mind for a moment. Ignore the meaningless dialogue that you have listened to for so long. Wait in this new silence for a whisper or a gentle urging coming from within your body. THIS IS SPIRIT. It is your God-Self speaking its quiet, knowing words. All you need do is listen.

God has a plan in which we each have our place. Our place feels as natural as our most comfortable pair of old jeans. His constant Guidance and warm Love holds our Being gently while we are navigated to those places where our unique energy can be of most benefit.

There are no mistakes. Everything does happen for a reason. However, we are not able to know the vast dance in which we all move in seamless precision. Lost in the details of our own way, the broad picture is obscured. But know that it is there. Know that you are ONE with God’s Plan.

Now you can go kicking and screaming, running every which way, causing yourself and your friends anguish and heartache; or you can quiet yourself and turn to the subtle messages abundant in your life. The choice is yours.
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Yesterday was a good day. We look back with pleasure on the accomplishments recognized by our peers. The care with which we produced the events that unfolded came through the sweat of our brow. With luck, today will also go well.

With so little to loose and so much to gain, each step is carefully designed. No movement is wasted. No comment misses the mark. No greeting goes unanswered. We are kings of our world!

You know why we mention this. We are reading your dreams. You ache for this to be your truth.

Everywhere you see people smiling – from the smallest to the smartest. It appears that no one feels the resistance to their way as you do with yours. Why must it be you that suffers indignities and smears at every turn? Don’t you deserve as much as everyone else?

But your view is the illusion. The world that you weigh and spurn is a dream made from your mind. It holds no more substance than the perfection your daydream attempts to paint in its place. Each is a vain attempt to mask your total ignorance at knowing how to BE in this world.

You are not alone. Pretty much everyone else on the planet is in as much distress. Their pretend smiles hide it from you just as your countenance has long held your sad secret. No human is exempt.

Why do you look for the answer you will not accept? You are always without the peace that you long for so deeply. Yet it is always ready for you for only the asking.

Your weakness is the strength that hides your way. Let it go. Let the lies fall. Know your lack and be ready for all that is due you. It has always been ready for you. When will you be ready for it?

The peace of being – the simple Being God created – is yours. It does not move to the rhythm of your clever mind. It moves to the gentle whisper from within. Your peace is yours to be granted. Not taken roughly, but gently embraced with a loving and clear heart.

God’s Plan flows sweetly in simple actions. Humor blends with joy in being where you are. No one sees further than their heart can feel. Everyone can rise up into joyous union without any actions needed. All is as it is meant to be. Find fault around you and you are finding fault in the Perfection of God.

This life is not for complaining. This life is for going and doing no matter where it leads. The path opens before your moving foot. What to be done arises at the moment when it is needed.

Leave your burden. Slide it from your shoulder. Then wait in silence for your next move.
You know when times seem beyond your reach. No one knows more about it, whether you believe it or not. Don’t push. Let your knowing flow.

Whether we give ourselves over to the moment is our choice. Whatever we choose comes into our mind naturally. Our error occurs when the mind takes the lead.

How do we want to find our beginnings? There is never a prescribed way of doing this. There is no particular talent needed. The methods come to us over time. Each of us has our own path.

You can find your center if you so choose. The beautiful part about this is that it is already known to you – you just don’t realize it.

So much concern. So much worry. So many moments left undone and unknown while the worry goes on. Can you become the brave warrior that you have always been? Not a bloodthirsty tyrant, but a solid, courageous, constant truth, echoing the voice of God that can be heard in your quiet moments.

Someone needs to give you permission. Well we are giving it to you now. Falter no longer. Go with strength of resolve to be who you are. Let no man put you off the trail. Let no one tell you otherwise.

Open your heart and follow the path you find there. Within the solitude and peace of this wooded path you will find yourself. Know the truth of You. Find the joy in simply being.

Put down your worldly concerns. Watch as they disappear. The illusions cannot hold power over you if you do not give it. Whether now or later, your choice again. Truth does not change. Time does not exist. God is Love without an end of patience. Can you say the same?

Nowhere on our planet will you find the Truth. It remains in your heart, and is merely shown outwards to be reflected back as the world. Peace will only come when you know it yourself – your greatest challenge in our busy place. Let the flow of God’s Love teach you.

Remember to listen. Remember to move slowly in time to your own rhythm. In such a state of grace you will have nothing other than what is meant to be unto you. Your world will turn gentle and embrace you into its heart. Your pain will know no more reason. Let God show you how.
I hear you have been busy. You may be dropping by, you are not sure. Time is such a fickle thing.

The tightrope you walk stretches to the horizon. So straight. So tight. Does it truly feel like yours? You could be mistaken. Others have been.

Look down at your feet. Hold them still so you can see their nature. Are the soles of your shoes warm from your haste? Have you forgotten how to untie them when it is time to rest? Do they or you choose the tempo and direction? Are they made from the leather of your habits? Can you trust such a pair?

Sit for a moment. Yes, you have time. Sit comfortably in the shade. Can you stand the stillness? Does your patience boil? Can you close your eyes to ease your distress? Will you allow yourself to stop?

What feels unnatural? Why could something so natural feel wrong? Stop your fidgeting and feel your body. Where is the unrest? Go to it and look closely. Feel the warmth of the stillness caressing the tension. Feel the muscles relax. Feel the coolness spreading in you.

Now stay for a while. Nothing else matters. Whatever the world had in store for you will wait – it has no choice. Without you it is nothing.

Sit still until you begin to feel the direction that calls to you. Don’t listen to your shoes. They have lied to you long enough. Listen to your heart. Listen for a small quiet yearning that shares itself simply. Wait as long as it takes. NOTHING ELSE is as important.

Once the feeling jells, say hello. The calmness and sureness you feel has always been there, patiently waiting for you to be ready. Join hands. Kick off your shoes and walk barefooted in the grass.

The tightrope is gone. 360 degrees awaits your movement. Possibilities abound. So new, yet so right. Do not be afraid. Fear feels odd in this new scene.

Open your eyes and feast. Awaken from your dream of what was and rest upon what might be. Take a step; slowly with full awareness. Feel the breeze as your body moves forward. Pause and feel the new position. Does the direction that calls change? Does your head want to turn and look into the possibilities? Allow what comes up to form your next move. Allow your guidance to shift into you. Accept it without question. It cannot lie.

You might be wise to leave your shoes. They have yesterday’s agenda in their stitches. The color never really suited you. You just didn’t know how to say “No” to whoever gave them to you.

Forgive yourself your false start. Learning is what we do best once we have a taste for it.
When we tell ourselves we have everything under control, we hold fast to the words. Almost as if without a tight grasp they would bolt away and be lost.

What does control feel like? What sense does it leave in your throat as you look into it? What shape does it have? What depth? Does it sit stoically or does it emit a slight humming sound as if it were motorized? What is this “control” thing?

You must know it intimately. You have clung to it with such tenacity over the years. Has it served you well? Does it bring you the peace of mind that was advertised?

Let the thought go for a moment and feel the blankness in its place. How do you feel now without your control-thing coloring your experience? Don’t panic. You can exist without it. Relax your crimped fingers and feel what it is like. Consider it a brave experiment.

Did the sky fall? Did your world stop? Did death and destruction come to take its toll? No? Nothing happened? How can this be?

With control clenched between your teeth, you have felt safe and protected. Without it shouldn’t your safety be in jeopardy? Why else would you yearn for it so strongly?

Perhaps it is a myth. An old wives’ tale presented to limit you. Can that possibility find room in your mind? Could there possibly be a better way? Can you let go of your control long enough to find out?

Well, nothing ventured nothing gained. Can I dare you into trying a day without it? You can put off your attempt until tomorrow. Postponing brings a small sigh of relief. HOWEVER, you promised to give it a whirl.

The sun dawns ... Good morning! Remember your promise? I am still here to supervise the experiment. Take my hand; I will help you start.

I hope you have no plans for today. That is part of the magic. Your “plans” will form as the day progresses. That isn’t fear you are feeling; you are simply unfamiliar with this natural process. You may cower in bed until you are done. There is no rush.

Well, both feet on the floor! I am proud of you. But what made you stand? Was it simply time to do so, or did your mind push you into it calling you names along the way? Stop for a moment and look back.

Look closely at your mind. Tell it to quiet. There are no rules here. What went on yesterday was merely that, yesterday’s stuff. Today is new. This moment is new. To drop control is to allow today to call the shots.

Don’t be concerned about going astray. Later on you will know that what has gone before was mistakenly chosen. Quiet that mind! It will take some practice, but that is what today is for.

OK, what would you like to do? Not in total – just what would you like to do next. Don’t look where it will lead – that’s the mind wanting to control. You can’t know that from where you stand now. Time will tell, as it always surely does.

Some food sounds delightful! Let your hunger draw you to what is needed – here or somewhere else. What does your body want? Let the desire pull you to it.

Don’t look now, but you are no longer afraid. OOPS! Guess it was a bit early to point that out. Notice that you stopped the flow of what was happening with just that thought. The energy of the event that was unfolding was disrupted. Now you will need to relax again to recapture its sureness.

Don’t think about what you are doing. You cannot DO and think about it at the same time; it just doesn’t work. The mind is meant as a tool. It has been leading the way. Would you let a piano write the symphony?

Ahhh... There is your tummy again. It remembers the refrain that had it excited. See how where to move next comes in to support that desire? You are doing fine!

This day can be a new start for you. But we get ahead of ourselves. Only time will tell. Your resolve to release your pain and walk moment-to-moment will make the difference. See, you do know how to do this. Everyone does. We just rarely give ourselves permission.
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